At the Blue Ash City Council meeting on 1/11/18 there was an interesting twist. El Neyer, the developer, working on project adjacent to Summit Park offered a deal sweetener for their Mixed Use / Apartments project. Details are sketchy, a verbal monetary offer was made with a cap on the number of apartments The Council after much empty talk; tabled the decision to the next meeting.  The original resolution would have provided the approval to proceed with the development.

Prior to the meeting it was iffy if the resolution to proceed had the votes to proceed. This was due to the concern by residents over the proposal of 490 (or more) new apartments with no corporate commercial development in sight as originally planned.

More to come on 1/25/18 council meeting, Note that meeting was not on the current schedule (it was a planned retreat).

Use the next link for details on the original proposal.

Below is an Audio recording of the January 11th in three segments, Note there is a slider control to advance or go back,

Part 1, Intro and citizens comments and a break

Part 2, Citizens comments continued; Developer comments and million dollar offer with a cap on number of apartments; start of Council discussion with a second break.

Part 3, Council deliberations and then tabling the resolutions till the next meeting

Note after hitting the white PLAY button above, you can use a slider at the top of the black bar to go to a particular Time index in the recording

The December meeting audio audio with more public comments can be found at the following [ LINK ]