Here a three of several claims by my opponent and the actual facts, if you have doubts of my statements of fact please contact Councilaman Tom Adamec or Marc Sirkin, the two uncontested  representatives in this current election.

Czerwonka Claim #1: Czerwonka requested the Hamilton County Board of Elections remove my name from the November Blue Ash City Council ballot, claiming my nominating petition was invalid.

Fact: On August 30th, 2017, at the Board of Elections hearing, the Board rejected Czerwonka’s claims, and even the Republican member voted against him.   [ A link to BOE minutes ]

Czerwonka Claim #2: Czerwonka says he supported NOPE (Neighbors Opposed to the Pipeline Extension) against the Duke pipeline.

Fact: Czerwonka did not attend key NOPE meetings and was the only Mayor not to speak against the pipeline at the Power Sitting Board held in UC Blue Ash, and furthermore is quoted at a Blue Ash City Council meeting saying that writing a letter opposing the pipeline would be “worthless”. (Suburban Press May 4th 2016)

Czerwonka Claim #3: In his campaign literature, Czerwonka says he never voted for apartments in his campaign literature.

Fact: On December 2006 in the Blue Ash City Council meeting he voted for the zoning which permitted the building of unlimited density apartments, (Ordinance No. 2006-60) and on December 11th 2014 he voted to deny an appeal by residents against the building of Hunt road appartment complex Phase 2.